lifestle portfolio

A selection of images

maternity shoot

Dana & 'Bump'

I had the honour of photographying my beatiful friend, Dana & her baby bump.

Dana wanted quite a 'styled' maternity shoot in one of her favourite forest locations and the view did not disappoint. We had numerous gorgeous locations to choose from, outfit changes & she was even willing when I told her to climb into a big deep puddle!

'Bump' who we now know as the stunning Ophelia Huggins has now ben earth side for nearly 5 months.

newborn shoot

Baby Indie

Beautiful baby Indie was a little star during her mini shoot.

We opted to have a cosy in-home session with just Indie & her mummy. It was a really relaxed, informal session with Indie leading the session. I always like to take things a little slower with newborns & build in a little extra time around sessions so, if baby needs changing, feeding or rocked to sleep thats absolutely fine.

family shoot

The Brown Family

With two energetic boys this session was always going to be better suited to being in the outdoors. I took this beautiful family to a little secret location which offered lots of adventure. We walked through forest paths, ran in fields, played in muddy streams (thank god everyone had wellies!) and ended up throwing stones in the river.

maternity shoot

Molly & Sam

When I first spoken to Molly she was already within 2 weeks of her due date so I knew we were going to have to get this booked in quick!

I met Molly, Sam & their gorgeous baby bump at Formby beach and they were just naturals infront of the camera & up for anything. So naturally, I sent them off into the sea for a wee paddle. I loved this shoot and love the images we managed to get - and thank god we did it quickly because their gorgeous baby girl decided she was joining us earth side just 1 week later.

newborn WEDDING

Alex & Hannah

I was invited to spend some time with Alex, Hannah and there gorgeous baby girl, Elodie.

I spent around an hour with this family and we slowly made our around their home to get lots of variety in their pictures. Again, this was a slow and relaxed session which completely revolved around Elodie - when she needed a break, we all took one. In-home sessions are great for little ones as it keeps then cosy & around familiar sourroundings and smells. It also keeps the stress levels of parents low as everything is onhand.



I couldn't not add a few pictures of my own family here! Without getting all soppy & emotional, they are my absolute inspiration for my photography. Photography has alwasy been my passion, but it was since becoming a mummy to these two that it really became more serious. I was so desperate to record every minute of them growing up because it just happens so fast. Capturing them having fun, playing, showing their emotionals are all little things I never want to forget & if you are considering a lifestyle shoot then I presume that you feel the same. Here are just a few of my family faves.

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